
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Growth Mindset

Do you have a growth mindset?  
Do your students have a growth mindset
What exactly IS a growth mindset?

Many of us grew up believing we were either "good" at something (like English or Social Studies), or "not good" at something (like Math or Science). Some people just had more intelligence or talent than others, right? We worried about getting good grades, meeting the expectations of others, and avoided anything that might look or smell like failure.

Then came the idea that if we could just tell ALL kids they were ALL wonderful, they would all BE wonderful! Their self-image would be strong, their confidence would be high and they would naturally succeed. 

But we now realize that some failure is good for the soul; learning how to fail and then move on to try again, to develop perseverance - to get "GRIT" - may be the best way to help students develop a love of learning and a resilience that will help them achieve their goals. When children believe that hard work and commitment can make a difference, that they can become more talented and smarter through their learning process, they feel empowered and thrive on challenge.

Just making a few tweaks in the way we talk to and respond to our students can make a big difference in whether they develop a "fixed mindset" or a "growth mindset".  Interested?

Check out Carol Dweck's TED talk on this issue.

You can also listen to the NPR Story on Growth Mindset that inspired this post.

Now think again - Do you have a growth mindset?  What are the things teachers said to you when you were in school that made a difference?  PLEASE comment - we'd like to know!

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